Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Political roadblocks

Watching the tv coverage from the budget non-progress and I see one very pertinent thing, Probably the same thing that everyone else sees.
Politicians only are in the office to take care of themselves and their own special interest groups and perks.
I firmly believe in term limits for ALL political offices. This would foster a new crop of ideas, and independant thinking every few years.
I just noticed a poll that says that 63 percent of Americans have decided that it is time for a change in the current crop of political boneheads running things into the ground around here.
Think about this for a minute. There are some old school guys out there, that say changing representatives and senators every few years would disrupt the political process and make it harder to get things done. Well, how is that working right now with the current crop of lifetime politicians?
I think these same guys are the ones that are afraid that if we get some new ideas in there and they actually know how to think, that their cushy little side deals will go out the window and they actually might have to accomplish something.
I say it is about time to set term limits on these career guys. We need to change the thought process in Washington and if it takes throwing all the bums out, then lets do it.
If they had to have a benefits package that gave them benefits equal to years of service, and their healthcare plan that was similar to those offered by business or medicare, I can almost bet that they would step it up some when it comes to reform.
I saw an item the other day about secret political offices for senior senators. It was such a proud moment for Orrin Hatch to get the coveted office of former senior Senator Edward Kennedy.
Wow, great to have been a career politician as mister Hatch has, but, a little too much on the celebratory side all over an office space.
I know they have to have a place to reflect and study the reports and bills before them, but, a totally seperate secret office space?
Lots of corporate people do this by taking their work home, or working on it outside of the office without having to have a seperate second office paid for.
Look, this isn't all just about second offices. It is really about career politicians that are afraid that if we set term limits it might upset the apple cart. So be it, we need to really change this set of roadblocks in Washington and make them remember how and why they got there, and why we allow them to stay.
Do something or get the hell out. I for one have had enough of political party garbage.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Marriage and happiness

Today is a big day for me and my sweetie. Today we celebrate 28 years of marriage. Yes, the traditional form of marriage, a man and a woman. Not the new buzz type of a marriage contract for members of the same sex.
I don't know what my life would have been like without Tina, but I know that I can't imagine a day without her by me for the rest of my life. She is truly my soulmate and we get better each and every day.
She and I have had numerous challenges in our lives together, everything from how are we gonna eat, to how are we going to pay the rent. The challenges are so much easier when you have someone to work through them with. I have learned so much about myself and had to learn so much about her over these last many years and I am sure there is so much more to learn in the future.
We are only referred to as Barte and Tina, no one knows us without the other. I guess that is a testament to how inseperable we are in all settings.
We did not know each other for long prior to getting married, only a few weeks and it is no matter that there were those that didn't give our marriage a chance at all. We have really spent the last 28 years learning about each other and learning how to be good to each other.
As Bill and Ted say, "Be excellent to each other" and we both really try nearly every day.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Welcome to my past

For those of you out there, I am one of many that actually have a past.
I had spoken to a writer for Salt Lake City Weekly about doing a story on my candidacy for President of the United States. Imagine the return call I received only a few minutes later, as he had run a background check on me.
I knew that the issues of my much younger, drinking past would come to light. I had no intention of trying to do what all other politicians do, hide the past to look lily white. I am not proud of my poor behaviour, but I see that time in my life as a learning experience.
I do know that there are those out there that will seek to try ot make me look like some sort of an undesirable character, or a bad guy. I see this part of my past as a learning path that I walked upon and the walked away from.
If you read the story and it changes your opinion of me that is your choice. If it changes how you look at me, that is also your choice. I only ask that you look at it and see that the Barte that you know now is not the same guy that there was then. I have really "moved on" from that sort of behaviour and really am much different for it.
My son told me that this day would come and I knew there was no way that the press would let these sort of things stay in the past. I understood his concern for my aspirations and my personal life, but, I also know that it more important to be totally honest in the light of my aspirations.
Read it, understand it, and do what I have done, "move on".
If you really know me you will allow me to keep my past where it is and see how I am now.
I am a proud American, Father, Husband, and not in the least, a former active duty US Marine, but that as they say, is another story.

Thursday, July 14, 2011


I have so much to be thankful for, even the basic thing such as having a job. I was just reading an article about the long term unemployed and it makes you shudder to hear the stories of these nearly forgotten Americans (at least by the politicians) that struggle every day with the need for financial security.
I have been affected by this as well, with my sweetie having a seasonal work schedule, but we have learned to adjust things for that consequence. I couldn't imagine both of us being out of work for 6 or 12 months, or years as some have been.
I hear these stories and I see the frustration and despair coming off of them in waves. They start to doubt their own given talents and abilities when this goes on for so long.
I can't totally blame this on the economy, or the government, but I can blame it on our own recent practices of becoming a consumer nation that does not produce that much here anymore.
We need to try to figure out how to regain the manufacturing industry here in America. This would really help not only the lack of employment opportunities for everyone, but reduce our foreign dependance on other imported goods.
Not that many years ago America was a manufacturing and resource giant. We have given that up for cheaper quailty goods and the corporate vision of cheap labor.
We need to regroup and bring back manufacturing and the jobs that come with it. We can do this if we decide we have had enough of cheaply toxic painted chinese toys.
Take our economy back along with our government.......

The ongoing Budget saga

Like all of you I can't help but see every day the disappointing progress (or total lack of it) with regard to the Federal budget and the ceiling.
I get so sick and tired of all the red hats and blue hats party politics regarding this important issue. I understand some of the party politics and their party loyalites, but when the hell does common sense start to intrude upon the lack of progress.
I see their individual points but there must be a time when they stop all the stonewalling and posturing and actually get something done. The silly fighting and BS that all these career politicians are doing right now does the average common citizen absolutely no good. We are concerned about the solvency of our Nation and as a group we should all be.
I really have a hard time with giving corporations tax breaks to send their businesses off shore, and the lack of incentive to get a real effective tax system in place that treats all Americans equally and corporations as well.
It is time for the corporations and ALL Americans to do their part. I believe that a flat tax system would be a benefit for all middle and lower income citizens and would require businesses to pay a fair and equitable amount that could enable ALL Americans to start to help in getting out Nation out of the incredibly deep fiscal hole we are in.
Get off your party high horses, stop all this childish crap and DO SOMETHING!!!
All you people were elected by your respective state citizens to do a job, get on with it!!!
Save our Country and the Country of our children from certain monetary collapse and an even further worsening of the economic conditions for all Americans.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Small town America

Well, it is no secret that I was born in a small town and the appreciation I have for them never goes away.
I spent my Saturday with my sweetie and our Hotrod in a small town called Coalville.
The simplicity of small towns and the friendliness of those that live there makes me remember much simpler times in life. We really need to remember these things. Remember that we are all from the same country and be good and kind to each other.
Small town America should not be a thing of the past found only in books. The closeness and the compassion for one another should be a much more prevalent thing in todays society.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Only in America!!

Just like most of you I spent the 4th of July with family and friends. Enjoying the pleasures that can only be appreciated in a society that is truly Free to do what we choose.
I got one of the Hotrods out of the garage and went to a car show with my sweetie and enjoyed the company of many people that were there celebrating the freedoms we all sometimes take for granted.
It was distrubing though that the event was not started off with a traditional flag raising ceremony and the presentation of the colors. We didn't even have that part of the event until later in the evening prior to the start of the demolition derby and then it was fantastic.
I understand that I hold values and expectations that are sometimes a little old fashioned but those are the values that I was raised with and so are traditionally what I expect.
I do not take my freedom for granted and I hope those that read my blog snd support me in my lofty goal can understand that we all have a responsibility to protect those freedoms and rights that we hold precious.
My view is not one that all share, but it is who I am. I am an American, patriot, dad, parent and husband.
I only ask that we all remember how we get the freedom to do what we choose.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Happy Independance Day!!!

To all Americans, Happy Independance Day!!
Enjoy the long celebration and be proud to be in the "Land of the free and home of the brave".
Remember, Freedom isn't Free and we still need to vigilant to protect it and all of America for our children.
Be proud and be loud, this is OUR Countries birhtday!!!!