Watching the tv coverage from the budget non-progress and I see one very pertinent thing, Probably the same thing that everyone else sees.
Politicians only are in the office to take care of themselves and their own special interest groups and perks.
I firmly believe in term limits for ALL political offices. This would foster a new crop of ideas, and independant thinking every few years.
I just noticed a poll that says that 63 percent of Americans have decided that it is time for a change in the current crop of political boneheads running things into the ground around here.
Think about this for a minute. There are some old school guys out there, that say changing representatives and senators every few years would disrupt the political process and make it harder to get things done. Well, how is that working right now with the current crop of lifetime politicians?
I think these same guys are the ones that are afraid that if we get some new ideas in there and they actually know how to think, that their cushy little side deals will go out the window and they actually might have to accomplish something.
I say it is about time to set term limits on these career guys. We need to change the thought process in Washington and if it takes throwing all the bums out, then lets do it.
If they had to have a benefits package that gave them benefits equal to years of service, and their healthcare plan that was similar to those offered by business or medicare, I can almost bet that they would step it up some when it comes to reform.
I saw an item the other day about secret political offices for senior senators. It was such a proud moment for Orrin Hatch to get the coveted office of former senior Senator Edward Kennedy.
Wow, great to have been a career politician as mister Hatch has, but, a little too much on the celebratory side all over an office space.
I know they have to have a place to reflect and study the reports and bills before them, but, a totally seperate secret office space?
Lots of corporate people do this by taking their work home, or working on it outside of the office without having to have a seperate second office paid for.
Look, this isn't all just about second offices. It is really about career politicians that are afraid that if we set term limits it might upset the apple cart. So be it, we need to really change this set of roadblocks in Washington and make them remember how and why they got there, and why we allow them to stay.
Do something or get the hell out. I for one have had enough of political party garbage.
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