Monday, August 1, 2011

All about the BIG SHOW !!!!!

Seems to me that the recent debt ceiling fiasco wasn't really about settling anything. It was more about getting TV time and the opportunity to publicly bash each other just for the sake of partisan politics.
It looks more and more that these silly fools in Washington are merely just playing all of us and getting quite a laugh out of it too.
They screw around so long to get the job done, and imagine this.......they get it done in the nick of time. Wow what a crock. If you goof off till the last minute then shove it onto the desk of the President, hopefully he won't have time or inclination to read what he is signing. Sounds like our legislature here in Utah. Same silly crap, rush things then just say, "Oh yeah, it's all good. Just sign it."
I don't know about you, but I think that this sort of political wrangling is a joke, and we are the punch line. I have had enough of this 2 party system and the road blocks that come out of this system. People elected to do a job, but they spend weeks fighting just because of party affiliation.
There are too many career politicians that expect all of us to keep swallowing this bitter pill of self aggrandizing their jobs and in the same light trying to portray them as our saviours in these desperate economic times.
They fight and bicker for weeks, act like children in the sandbox and somehow still get something done? I still see they left a loophole for a special committee to be appointed and do the real dirty work. What a bunch of crap. They still ducked out of the responsibility to do the good and the bad work that MUST be done!!!
If this is what we as Americans expect from our political machine, we are sure getting it. I am one that expects results, not promises and the ability to dump the REAL work on someone else. See how this crap works?????
Accountability, responsibility and integrity. Is this so much to ask from the citizens that represent us in Washington?
I may not be perfect, (and I most certainly am not) but, I do offer a sensible and old fashioned approach to this process. I will demand accountability and the need for someone to take responsibility for everything. The mistakes as well as the successes.
I have become so disgusted with politics and all the posturing and posing that goes on there.

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