Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Letter to Jason Chaffetz

I watched with some distress last night the announcement that you will not challenge Orrin Hatch for his Senate seat.
I heard that your decision not to do so was for reasons that I personally can not understand.
It seems that your decision not to challenge him is purely economical. I do understand this to a point. I personally do not agree with your decision though.
I am sure that you do not know that I am in the process of trying to get on the Western states General Ballot for the position of President of the United States.
I am not politically connected, wealthy, or someone of the elitist self entitled sort that seems to reach this lofty position in the country.
I am just an ordinary citizen, that meets all the Constitutionally required conditions and feels that I can make a difference in Washington.
I do not understand sir, how you go from wanting to be a person with exceptional ideals, goals and aspriations, to belittling yourself and only thinking it is about money.
I do understand that the electoral process and the marketing that it takes to reach the people is very expensive, but you must not lose sight of your ideals and goals.
If I were to go by your statement last evening that it was purely about the money that it costs to run I certainly would not have any aspiration to pursue this goal I have.
I understand sir, that my goal is lofty, but not unattainable. I feel that I, as a regular individual, have something to offer the American public that has been sorely lacking in the political arena for some time now. I will not back down, I will not surrender, I will prevail even in the face of certain defeat.
There are opportunities that only infrequently present themselves to us in this journey of life, and the choice to take a chance or not is purely individual.
I would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you and discuss things if you are available sometime in the near future.
I work for a large construction contractor and usually at this time, have fridays free.
If it is possible I would like to meet with you to discuss this matter and others further.
Do not dismiss this opportunity, the failure to excell is only a matter of choice and circumstance.
Failure is difficult, even more so when the opponent is yourself.
Thank you for your time,
Barte P. Hess
Candidate for President of the United States
and ordinary citizen.

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