So here we all are the day after our Congress saved our country from total and utter financial meltdown.
I hate to sound so negative about it, but they had months to do this and instead concentrated on being a bunch of children looking for TV time.
I guess that there had to be some sort of deal made, but I didn't see any real significance to this package. The real cuts and responsibility still have to be served up by the Super Congress?????
I have to agree with Judge Napolitano with the regards to as to the legality of this special commission. I see that there will be some Senators and Congressmen that won't like having their rights and abilities to do their jobs (or not) away from them.
Just what we need down the road. The legal fighting will only escalate and our World market compadres will just keep laughing at us for so much fighting going on within our own government.
China and apparently several other world powers don't think too much of our system and certainly think we all look like a bunch of dip sh*** for the fiasco that this all turned out to be.
States are already freaking out as well as the Pentagon over the perceived loss of revenue that is coming. I say we should have been more responsible prior to this matter and there are a few states that are still in fine shape. Utah is one of those.
The sensationalistic manner that Congress handled this only serves as a reminder that they are mostly just there for themselves and their special programs. They really have forgotten who put them there, and why.......
I really think it is time for a non-partisan approach and I really don't care how many toes get stepped on, the PEOPLE have had enough of this crap.
It is time for someone to give them a big smack upside the head and remind them to stop the grandstanding and get to work!!! Do your jobs and no one gets hurt, ha, ha, ha.......
Really, this is the time. If not now........when?
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