Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Occupy Movement and Americans rights

I watch every day the events unfolding all over the country and the occupy movement that has really taken the country by storm.
I see that MOST cities have decided to have a hands off approach to the protests as long as the persons involved act in a reasonable and responsible manner. There are those few, protesters and law enforcement alike, that have serious behaviour problems.
The First Amendment of the Bill of Rights reads:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

This outlines the proper access and also gives the protesters the proper guidelines that should be followed when Americans are engaged in protesting.
I implore all protesters to read this and truly understand the our forefathers were protesters themselves. They had lived their lives under a Monarchy and had had enough. It was a different circumstance and a really different time then, but the idea was the same. Stand up as a group and express peaceably if possible your dissatisfaction with the powers that try to control you.
As Americans we do have rights, and not the least of them is to be able to express our dissatisfaction with the status quo. We all must remember though, that, these expressions must be peaceable and organized or the entire movement becomes nothing more than an expression of anger and discord.

Do not let the big business and government pressure restrain you. Restrain yourselves and keep on expressing your dissatisfaction, but do so in an orderly and organized manner. You must not quit, but you must be able to control those within your ranks that would do harm to your cause by acting in a violent and rougish manner.

I have taken this campaign and the related ideas that I have very seriously and I ask you to do the same. Keep the pressure on them, but please do not let members of the group cheapen the effect.
Remember, our country was started with the idea that Americans have right to govern themselves, let us control ourselves and effect some REAL change in this country, by using the power of numbers, not the effect of violence. We all can effect change and return the control of this FREE country back to the citizens that live in it.
I ask for you to let me try to be that new leadership as I am one of the millions that have had enough of career politicians serving only big business and themselves while disregarding those that elected them.
This is our country, not just theirs.   "Take it Back"

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