Sunday, October 23, 2011

Dictators, jobs and the occupy movement.

So it has been a little while since my last post. I thought I would give you a little insight as to what I have been up to.
Had to head out of town to work. It is really different in a new environment and surroundings. I guess I should get used to it when I hope to move into the White House.
Working out of town is not only a stressful thing for me, but for my family as well. I have to be grateful that my sweetie and our kids are able to keep it together while I have to be away. Glad I get to come home once in a while for sure. I miss being at home everyday, but it is the way of the new economy.
I have seen people that have to make the same sacrifice as far as being away from home just to make ends meet. It is difficult to have to make that sacrifice and hard on the family as well, but the new economy dictates that you have to take the work you can get because so many Americans are truly suffering.
On the other hand, it has given me a chance to see a different state and cities that I had never been to. The people here are really pretty nice and the things that they find important are really the same as they are at home.
They need jobs, a place to live and the security of knowing that they can provide for their family just like at home. Some things never change even with the geographics.
The news I have seen shows the frustration is spreading all over the country. The Occupy movement has spread to nearly every metropolitan area country wide. I truly understand the frustration that they feel and the idea behind the movement shows the distrust that the average citizen has for big business and the banking industry. The banking industry received bailouts and the average citizen paid dearly for that. They look at those companies and see what they recieved, then the people get a forclosure notice from the bank. They can't refinance, or restructure loans due to their job situations, so the banks just end up being property owners and the people that bailed them out get nothing.
I really feel that a revolution of sorts is starting. Not the guns blazing type that you picture from history, but more of a, "we have had enough" type of conflict. Do not give up. The country is made up of millions of independant thinking minds with a mass influence that can not be discounted forever. Stand up for what you believe and make your voice heard. I am not saying become lawless, but hold on dearly to your ideals and keep the motivation level high. Do not let the big money hoarders silence you.
Now on to the killing of Gadhafi. I see that it has been done again. I see that here is another martyred out of touch leader, dead. I fail to see though how this is such a winning deal for us as Americans.
I remember in the not so far off past where our all knowing government supported this ruthless person, and now suddenly they seem to have forgotten what they did in the past.
I understand the global stability is of the upmost importance, but, I for one remember things longer that a week along with the headlines. Our government supports at times regimes that commit unbelieveable atrocities on their own people and when you call the government on it, they claim that we as people must misunderstand the intent.
Supporting a ruthless regime, government or dictatorship, no matter the circumstances, should not be permitted and definately not forgotten by us as citizens in this country. Our leaders are responsible for all of this action and if they are not acting in a manner that we feel is correct, we all have a responsibility to remove them from the office we elect them to.
Well, I think that is enough for now. I look forward to getting back home and resuming my gathering of signatures. I refuse to give up on this as I think I truly have something to offer America and it's citizens. A fresh and grassroots perspective. Something that has been sorely lacking for the last many administrations.
A perspective that really understands what it feels like to work, need and want in modern America.
Persevere and triumph, never give up.

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