Thursday, July 14, 2011


I have so much to be thankful for, even the basic thing such as having a job. I was just reading an article about the long term unemployed and it makes you shudder to hear the stories of these nearly forgotten Americans (at least by the politicians) that struggle every day with the need for financial security.
I have been affected by this as well, with my sweetie having a seasonal work schedule, but we have learned to adjust things for that consequence. I couldn't imagine both of us being out of work for 6 or 12 months, or years as some have been.
I hear these stories and I see the frustration and despair coming off of them in waves. They start to doubt their own given talents and abilities when this goes on for so long.
I can't totally blame this on the economy, or the government, but I can blame it on our own recent practices of becoming a consumer nation that does not produce that much here anymore.
We need to try to figure out how to regain the manufacturing industry here in America. This would really help not only the lack of employment opportunities for everyone, but reduce our foreign dependance on other imported goods.
Not that many years ago America was a manufacturing and resource giant. We have given that up for cheaper quailty goods and the corporate vision of cheap labor.
We need to regroup and bring back manufacturing and the jobs that come with it. We can do this if we decide we have had enough of cheaply toxic painted chinese toys.
Take our economy back along with our government.......

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