Sunday, December 4, 2011

Self destruct and the Quality of candidates?

So, yesterday Herman Cain dropped out of the GOP running. Wow, What a surprise, huh. I personally think that there was so much more to this than what was all over the news media.
I do have a significant issue with him though. If he did have those relationships and other related things go on, why could he not just be honest about it? He would have earned alot of respect that way and maybe he would still be in the race. I firmly believe that even if things are not perfect and none of us are, that honesty is the best policy. That way your past doesn't came back on you later, DUH HERMAN!!

Some of you I am sure have had the chance to read the article written about me by City Weekly. I didn't go out of my way to whitewash things of to make it look like I was some sort of lilly white perfect choice for all people. I have my faults and issues just like everyone and I have used them to become a much better person. If those issues of my past put some people off, that is their choice. I won't have that sort of cheap backdoor journalism shoot me in the foot as I try to do this thing. I want everyone to see just what they are getting from the word go.

I just had this sort of thing happening in my personal life as well. Persons trying to make a judgement about me without having all the facts. I am pretty transparent and think that honesty is certainly the best policy. I try to be a good person the best I can and I really think that there are some significant changes I can personally make as far as the accountability of the Presidential office.

There really is no clear cut choice today for leadership, but honesty is a good place to start. Washington experience is something that Newt professes to have, Mitt says he is a good fit, and John, well, I haven't decided about him yet. Ron is even more out there than I and even though I agree with some things, I still think that we need to get away from career politicians and return to the sort of leadership from within as our founding fathers imagined initially.

I have had to put things on hold while I work out of town, but at every opportunity whild I am at home I will still try to gather the signatures I need to try to be a REAL PEOPLE'S representative.

I only want an opportunity to try to help this wonderful country and to try to restore some faith in the leadership. That can only be done through honesty, integrity and putting your back into it. If you can help me on this quest I will certainly give it my best effort without the silly red hats, blue hats sort of stupidness that we have now.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Oscar Wilde and the future

On a daily basis I receive motivational messages in my email. It helps me retain my perspective on the daily grind and how to best keep myself on the path as well as possibly give me a little ammo to help my friends a co-workers with things when they get tough.
I have heard many things from this site for the past few years and even had a story published online through them detailing my very good friend and the experiences and the lessons I learned from him along the way.
The other day I received this:

"Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future."
--- Oscar Wilde
This message had a special impact on my thoughts. This was just the issue that had been brought up to me when I decided to run for President.

My son, who is quite a thinker, asked me if I was ready for the world to view all the things from my past. I thought about it and told him that, I am who I am, no sense in trying to make myself something I am not or to try to hide the poor behaviour that I had in the past, as I truly think this gives me a broader appreciation of the value of good choices. If there are those that refuse to let people make choices and learn from them and forever hold those choices against them, I guess there may be a few out there that will never support me. That is truly their decision.
There can not be a single person in the world that can say that they never made a poor decision. If so they are probably lying to themselves and to all of us. There are also those that try to hide the past so they look perfect in the eyes of men, but to the eyes of God they are still who they really are.
I refuse to whitewash or lie about the poor decisions of my past, but I see them as tests in order to make me stronger and give myself a stronger sense of personal worth and values. Those that really know me understand me perfectly and there can be no compromise in my words or actions.

I see in the news that the Occupy Movement is putting serious strain on the municipal patience and the cities expenses. I also see that there are a few within the ranks that have used this movement to act like fools and be violent and drug ridden just for the expense of cheap entertainment. Why do we not take care of business in a sane and civilized manner? This movement is important and I really think that it can have the desired impact if the movement activists retain control of the members within the camps. There can be no place for public displays of drunkeness or drug use. You still have to be true to the cause and not cheapen your actions with inciting the involvement of the law.
Be loud, proud and above all the true spirit of American values. Keep control of yourselves and exercise your rights, but remain in control of your own destiny and keep your composure.
I have yet to see any public figure of any circumstance have the guts to have any interaction with the occupy movement protesters. All these so called representatives hide behind closed doors and let the troops (Police) handle things instead of trying to find out what the real American public needs. I for one find this to be a perfect example of derilection of duty on their parts and they should all be removed from public office. If they were really trying to fix this country that they all profess to support, why do they not step out of their offices and go see their constituents, the voters of America.
Why, I know why. They are scared and they believe only in the corporate greed and the success of the all american dollar. They have forgotten the faces of the people that put them there.

Time to take this country back from these hypocrites. Time to "Take it Back" and give it back to the citizens.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Occupy Movement and Americans rights

I watch every day the events unfolding all over the country and the occupy movement that has really taken the country by storm.
I see that MOST cities have decided to have a hands off approach to the protests as long as the persons involved act in a reasonable and responsible manner. There are those few, protesters and law enforcement alike, that have serious behaviour problems.
The First Amendment of the Bill of Rights reads:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

This outlines the proper access and also gives the protesters the proper guidelines that should be followed when Americans are engaged in protesting.
I implore all protesters to read this and truly understand the our forefathers were protesters themselves. They had lived their lives under a Monarchy and had had enough. It was a different circumstance and a really different time then, but the idea was the same. Stand up as a group and express peaceably if possible your dissatisfaction with the powers that try to control you.
As Americans we do have rights, and not the least of them is to be able to express our dissatisfaction with the status quo. We all must remember though, that, these expressions must be peaceable and organized or the entire movement becomes nothing more than an expression of anger and discord.

Do not let the big business and government pressure restrain you. Restrain yourselves and keep on expressing your dissatisfaction, but do so in an orderly and organized manner. You must not quit, but you must be able to control those within your ranks that would do harm to your cause by acting in a violent and rougish manner.

I have taken this campaign and the related ideas that I have very seriously and I ask you to do the same. Keep the pressure on them, but please do not let members of the group cheapen the effect.
Remember, our country was started with the idea that Americans have right to govern themselves, let us control ourselves and effect some REAL change in this country, by using the power of numbers, not the effect of violence. We all can effect change and return the control of this FREE country back to the citizens that live in it.
I ask for you to let me try to be that new leadership as I am one of the millions that have had enough of career politicians serving only big business and themselves while disregarding those that elected them.
This is our country, not just theirs.   "Take it Back"

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Dictators, jobs and the occupy movement.

So it has been a little while since my last post. I thought I would give you a little insight as to what I have been up to.
Had to head out of town to work. It is really different in a new environment and surroundings. I guess I should get used to it when I hope to move into the White House.
Working out of town is not only a stressful thing for me, but for my family as well. I have to be grateful that my sweetie and our kids are able to keep it together while I have to be away. Glad I get to come home once in a while for sure. I miss being at home everyday, but it is the way of the new economy.
I have seen people that have to make the same sacrifice as far as being away from home just to make ends meet. It is difficult to have to make that sacrifice and hard on the family as well, but the new economy dictates that you have to take the work you can get because so many Americans are truly suffering.
On the other hand, it has given me a chance to see a different state and cities that I had never been to. The people here are really pretty nice and the things that they find important are really the same as they are at home.
They need jobs, a place to live and the security of knowing that they can provide for their family just like at home. Some things never change even with the geographics.
The news I have seen shows the frustration is spreading all over the country. The Occupy movement has spread to nearly every metropolitan area country wide. I truly understand the frustration that they feel and the idea behind the movement shows the distrust that the average citizen has for big business and the banking industry. The banking industry received bailouts and the average citizen paid dearly for that. They look at those companies and see what they recieved, then the people get a forclosure notice from the bank. They can't refinance, or restructure loans due to their job situations, so the banks just end up being property owners and the people that bailed them out get nothing.
I really feel that a revolution of sorts is starting. Not the guns blazing type that you picture from history, but more of a, "we have had enough" type of conflict. Do not give up. The country is made up of millions of independant thinking minds with a mass influence that can not be discounted forever. Stand up for what you believe and make your voice heard. I am not saying become lawless, but hold on dearly to your ideals and keep the motivation level high. Do not let the big money hoarders silence you.
Now on to the killing of Gadhafi. I see that it has been done again. I see that here is another martyred out of touch leader, dead. I fail to see though how this is such a winning deal for us as Americans.
I remember in the not so far off past where our all knowing government supported this ruthless person, and now suddenly they seem to have forgotten what they did in the past.
I understand the global stability is of the upmost importance, but, I for one remember things longer that a week along with the headlines. Our government supports at times regimes that commit unbelieveable atrocities on their own people and when you call the government on it, they claim that we as people must misunderstand the intent.
Supporting a ruthless regime, government or dictatorship, no matter the circumstances, should not be permitted and definately not forgotten by us as citizens in this country. Our leaders are responsible for all of this action and if they are not acting in a manner that we feel is correct, we all have a responsibility to remove them from the office we elect them to.
Well, I think that is enough for now. I look forward to getting back home and resuming my gathering of signatures. I refuse to give up on this as I think I truly have something to offer America and it's citizens. A fresh and grassroots perspective. Something that has been sorely lacking for the last many administrations.
A perspective that really understands what it feels like to work, need and want in modern America.
Persevere and triumph, never give up.

Monday, September 12, 2011

9-11 and the changes in our country

Like most Americans I did have numerous chances this last weekend to observe the various rememberances and solemn ceremonies related to the 10th anniversary of 9-11.
I watched these ceremonies with the reverence and understanding that things in this country are NOT like they were when I was a child.
When I was a child there was patriotism and a sense of comfort amoung Americans. We were the big dogs on the block and we were comfortable in knowing that we were doing the right things within the world. Even though there were struggles in our own society we were a pretty secure people.
All that changed on September 11, 2001.
I remember exactly where I was when this event unfolded.
I had just stopped home to attend to my father that morning and the news was on detailing the first crash into the WTC. I stood there watching the news and could not believe how someone could make such a mistake as to fly into a massive skyscraper in broad daylight.
I was on the phone to my wife and watching the news broadcast when the second plane struck the other building. I knew then that the first crash was no accident.
I do remember that all I could say was "Oh my god, I can't believe this". I stood there with my dad and just absolutely could not believe what I was seeing.
I, like so many other Americans, really had no idea how this event would shape our culture for the forseeable future from this point on.

In World War 2, the Japanese dared not attack America on our own shores. They were assured that the typical American citizen would not just blindly stand by and let such an event occur without swift and sure retribution. We were still the big dog.

Now we have been shown that there are groups and nations out there that not only despise us for our culture and freedoms, but seek to destroy those very things that we hold precious in our daily lives.
They have taken much, but not all from us. They have not taken the American spirit and the willingness to stand up to this type of action.
George Bush said that "They will hear us very soon" and he was correct. I firmly believe that this nation is the greatest on the globe and we need to find the way to get back to being the big dog on the block.
The surge of patriotism and comraderie that occured after the attacks on the WTC was really something to behold. I saw a small glimmer of that this weekend but I wish truly that this would be the norm in our daily lives. We need to be proud of being Americans each and every day. Being a patriot and defending our country should not need ceremony and a special occasion. We should be vigilant and defensive of our culture and way of life each and every day.
I was truly moved by the victims of the tragedy and acts of terrorism that day like many other Americans and I will never forget the innocent victims of that act.
I personally wish for something more to come out of this. I want all Americans to remember that there were many others sacrificed and many others that fought bravely and gave everything prior to that day and there are still many that still do this each and every day just for our right to be FREE!
Freedom isn't Free is more than just words. It is a fact of being the leader in the quest to be the greatest nation in the world.
Yes there are those that despise us and wish us evil, but the American patriotic spirit will never be hidden behind closed doors.
Be proud of your freedom, but remember it does have a price.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Happy Feet and not so happy ratings

I don't know about you, but I have been loosely following the saga of the wrong way Emperor penguin that ended up on a beach in New Zealand.
Happy Feet, if you don't know, was a lost Emperor penguin that somehow ended up thousands of miles from home and thought sand on the beach was snow. It nearly killed him.
The citizens there in New Zealand took him in and nursed him back to health with numerous volunteers and the contributions of many of the citizens and others world wide.
Their efforts resulted in getting him back to health and putting him on a boat ride (very expensive one at that) back to where he could hopefully make it back to where he really belongs.
Just a wonderful story of people doing what they do best, taking care of things!!

I know alot of people just like this, they are the local cruiser community!! No kidding, the giving spirit lives here in America too!

I also have seen just this morning that the popularity results for our current President have slipped to another career low for the administration.
I see that even 2/3 of those that voted for President Obama don't really like the way things are going in this country. Wow, that really is a bummer for all of us.

I can't totally blame the current administration for all the problems plaguing our country right now, but the way they have been handled have certainly not been for the best.
Childish sandbox fighting just for the sake of party affiliations and just to pick a fight. STUPID!
The real losers in this battle have been the citizens of this great country, not their political parties.

If the elected members of our Congress could only take a lesson from those that rescued a wayward penguin and work together to actually accomplish something. I would certainly expect better approval ratings for the bunch of them.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Discretionary law enforcement

With the modern crisis that nearly every city and state currently is facing, I see why there is an issue with enforcement and prosecution of offenders of the law. I also understand that there are issues with manpower, resources and other tools needed to take care of the challenges faced by law enforcement and the judicial system.
What I fail to understand though, is how and by whom are the determinations made as to what laws to enforce today?
If there are laws on our books that aren't cost effective to enforce and they are something that someone in authority chooses not to enforce, well, why are they there?
The reason the laws are there is because they were created to protect the law abiding citizen. The law makers listened to the citizens and created the laws. The enforcement is apparently discretionary?
This is not acceptable. If there are laws to protect the citizenry from opression, discrimination, exploitation or criminal acts, they are not discretionary.
I have seen our own government take the teeth out of immigration reform and give amnesty to those that break the law and are in our country without the legal right. I have seen our government coddle those that would persecute and terrorize us. I have even seen our own government ignore it's own citizens for our best interests, like we are all children and too stupid to take care of ourselves.
If laws are not to be enforced I say get better enforcement, not remove the laws and penalties. I for one believe that the law is best if obeyed and enforced for the betterment of all free citizens and our society.
A lawless society is a failed society, but one with laws that they do not enforce is a joke.
Just my opinion, that's all.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Letter to Jason Chaffetz

I watched with some distress last night the announcement that you will not challenge Orrin Hatch for his Senate seat.
I heard that your decision not to do so was for reasons that I personally can not understand.
It seems that your decision not to challenge him is purely economical. I do understand this to a point. I personally do not agree with your decision though.
I am sure that you do not know that I am in the process of trying to get on the Western states General Ballot for the position of President of the United States.
I am not politically connected, wealthy, or someone of the elitist self entitled sort that seems to reach this lofty position in the country.
I am just an ordinary citizen, that meets all the Constitutionally required conditions and feels that I can make a difference in Washington.
I do not understand sir, how you go from wanting to be a person with exceptional ideals, goals and aspriations, to belittling yourself and only thinking it is about money.
I do understand that the electoral process and the marketing that it takes to reach the people is very expensive, but you must not lose sight of your ideals and goals.
If I were to go by your statement last evening that it was purely about the money that it costs to run I certainly would not have any aspiration to pursue this goal I have.
I understand sir, that my goal is lofty, but not unattainable. I feel that I, as a regular individual, have something to offer the American public that has been sorely lacking in the political arena for some time now. I will not back down, I will not surrender, I will prevail even in the face of certain defeat.
There are opportunities that only infrequently present themselves to us in this journey of life, and the choice to take a chance or not is purely individual.
I would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you and discuss things if you are available sometime in the near future.
I work for a large construction contractor and usually at this time, have fridays free.
If it is possible I would like to meet with you to discuss this matter and others further.
Do not dismiss this opportunity, the failure to excell is only a matter of choice and circumstance.
Failure is difficult, even more so when the opponent is yourself.
Thank you for your time,
Barte P. Hess
Candidate for President of the United States
and ordinary citizen.

Americans are the best

I spent the weekend with some of the most giving people in the entire world. Americans!!
Saturday was at a car show for charity for the local Shriners Hospital and Sunday on a motorcycle ride for the Fallen Officers Memorial.
The attendance at these events was fantastic and the giving that all these people show for others was very humbling. There will always be those in need, but there will also always be those that will step up and give till their pockets are empty to help.
It truly is a pleasure to be associated with this type of group and be able to help those less fortunate.
Never mind that the economy is in the tank, the real hearts and giving spirit never lets silly things get in the way.
Keep your heads up and keep on giving to those in need. You never know, you may be one of those someday and Karma will take care of you. No kidding.......

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Friendly dialogue and an RV

Listening to President Obama trying to justify the remarks of Vice President Biden when he called the tea party members, terrorists, was really funny.
I did notice that he really didn't say that Biden said it, he just tried to justify the context. How do you justify that sort of remark. You make that sort of remark in an airport and you will definately miss your flight. You will be locked up faster than an old lady driving to bingo.
I don't have anything against old ladies and bingo, but I do have an issue with all the rhetoric and hostility from our country leadership. How are we supposed to respect this bunch of children? They really do act like little children. Maybe it is time for them to get a spanking, or maybe just the modern way of a "time out", hell, I don't know.
I get tired of listening to it, and see it every night on the news. I for one have had enough. It is about time for these people to learn that they need to act like adults and just get to work doing the business of the country. They were selected and sent there by their respective states and townships with the expectation that they could do something. Yeah, all they are doing right now is acting like stupid spoiled children.
They get entitlements and benefits for their public service, and still act like someone is trying to take their toys away.
I agree with Warren Buffett about his thinking that the ultra wealthy need to pay a proportional percentage just like the rest of us. This theory of the "trickle down economics" hasn't trickled down to me......
Now onto the new Obama super bus!
What a piece of work. I understand the secret service wants to protect him and they need to get him around, but, who commissioned these things? We are in the midst of the worst economic crisis in modern history and we can spend over a million dollars each for a couple of tour buses? How much does it cost for a "few good men" to protect Obama? I think less than a million dollars.
This is more of the same irresponsible spending that this administration has done since day one. I see the world looking at us like fools for the oversized diesel hungry behemoth that he took to the G6 summit and got stuck in Ireland, now this crap.
I would love to just use my hot rods for transportation and maybe the secret service would have to just keep an eye out for me like they used to do for past Presidents.
I guess I don't have to worry though, I have no intention of getting my butt shot off and I think the public would actually like me, (well, not every one, but more than him).
I remember that Kennedy took his inaugural procession in a convertible, and I would do the same. I do know though, that the secret service would have a cow, but they need to just do their jobs. Sometimes you need to take the high road and stand for the average citizen.You can still have some sort of interaction with the people and it is about time for someone to be an approachable, middle class, sensible President.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The day after........

So here we all are the day after our Congress saved our country from total and utter financial meltdown.
I hate to sound so negative about it, but they had months to do this and instead concentrated on being a bunch of children looking for TV time.
I guess that there had to be some sort of deal made, but I didn't see any real significance to this package. The real cuts and responsibility still have to be served up by the Super Congress?????
I have to agree with Judge Napolitano with the regards to as to the legality of this special commission. I see that there will be some Senators and Congressmen that won't like having their rights and abilities to do their jobs (or not) away from them.
Just what we need down the road. The legal fighting will only escalate and our World market compadres will just keep laughing at us for so much fighting going on within our own government.
China and apparently several other world powers don't think too much of our system and certainly think we all look like a bunch of dip sh*** for the fiasco that this all turned out to be.
States are already freaking out as well as the Pentagon over the perceived loss of revenue that is coming. I say we should have been more responsible prior to this matter and there are a few states that are still in fine shape. Utah is one of those.
The sensationalistic manner that Congress handled this only serves as a reminder that they are mostly just there for themselves and their special programs. They really have forgotten who put them there, and why.......
I really think it is time for a non-partisan approach and I really don't care how many toes get stepped on, the PEOPLE have had enough of this crap.
It is time for someone to give them a big smack upside the head and remind them to stop the grandstanding and get to work!!! Do your jobs and no one gets hurt, ha, ha, ha.......
Really, this is the time. If not now........when?

Monday, August 1, 2011

All about the BIG SHOW !!!!!

Seems to me that the recent debt ceiling fiasco wasn't really about settling anything. It was more about getting TV time and the opportunity to publicly bash each other just for the sake of partisan politics.
It looks more and more that these silly fools in Washington are merely just playing all of us and getting quite a laugh out of it too.
They screw around so long to get the job done, and imagine this.......they get it done in the nick of time. Wow what a crock. If you goof off till the last minute then shove it onto the desk of the President, hopefully he won't have time or inclination to read what he is signing. Sounds like our legislature here in Utah. Same silly crap, rush things then just say, "Oh yeah, it's all good. Just sign it."
I don't know about you, but I think that this sort of political wrangling is a joke, and we are the punch line. I have had enough of this 2 party system and the road blocks that come out of this system. People elected to do a job, but they spend weeks fighting just because of party affiliation.
There are too many career politicians that expect all of us to keep swallowing this bitter pill of self aggrandizing their jobs and in the same light trying to portray them as our saviours in these desperate economic times.
They fight and bicker for weeks, act like children in the sandbox and somehow still get something done? I still see they left a loophole for a special committee to be appointed and do the real dirty work. What a bunch of crap. They still ducked out of the responsibility to do the good and the bad work that MUST be done!!!
If this is what we as Americans expect from our political machine, we are sure getting it. I am one that expects results, not promises and the ability to dump the REAL work on someone else. See how this crap works?????
Accountability, responsibility and integrity. Is this so much to ask from the citizens that represent us in Washington?
I may not be perfect, (and I most certainly am not) but, I do offer a sensible and old fashioned approach to this process. I will demand accountability and the need for someone to take responsibility for everything. The mistakes as well as the successes.
I have become so disgusted with politics and all the posturing and posing that goes on there.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Political roadblocks

Watching the tv coverage from the budget non-progress and I see one very pertinent thing, Probably the same thing that everyone else sees.
Politicians only are in the office to take care of themselves and their own special interest groups and perks.
I firmly believe in term limits for ALL political offices. This would foster a new crop of ideas, and independant thinking every few years.
I just noticed a poll that says that 63 percent of Americans have decided that it is time for a change in the current crop of political boneheads running things into the ground around here.
Think about this for a minute. There are some old school guys out there, that say changing representatives and senators every few years would disrupt the political process and make it harder to get things done. Well, how is that working right now with the current crop of lifetime politicians?
I think these same guys are the ones that are afraid that if we get some new ideas in there and they actually know how to think, that their cushy little side deals will go out the window and they actually might have to accomplish something.
I say it is about time to set term limits on these career guys. We need to change the thought process in Washington and if it takes throwing all the bums out, then lets do it.
If they had to have a benefits package that gave them benefits equal to years of service, and their healthcare plan that was similar to those offered by business or medicare, I can almost bet that they would step it up some when it comes to reform.
I saw an item the other day about secret political offices for senior senators. It was such a proud moment for Orrin Hatch to get the coveted office of former senior Senator Edward Kennedy.
Wow, great to have been a career politician as mister Hatch has, but, a little too much on the celebratory side all over an office space.
I know they have to have a place to reflect and study the reports and bills before them, but, a totally seperate secret office space?
Lots of corporate people do this by taking their work home, or working on it outside of the office without having to have a seperate second office paid for.
Look, this isn't all just about second offices. It is really about career politicians that are afraid that if we set term limits it might upset the apple cart. So be it, we need to really change this set of roadblocks in Washington and make them remember how and why they got there, and why we allow them to stay.
Do something or get the hell out. I for one have had enough of political party garbage.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Marriage and happiness

Today is a big day for me and my sweetie. Today we celebrate 28 years of marriage. Yes, the traditional form of marriage, a man and a woman. Not the new buzz type of a marriage contract for members of the same sex.
I don't know what my life would have been like without Tina, but I know that I can't imagine a day without her by me for the rest of my life. She is truly my soulmate and we get better each and every day.
She and I have had numerous challenges in our lives together, everything from how are we gonna eat, to how are we going to pay the rent. The challenges are so much easier when you have someone to work through them with. I have learned so much about myself and had to learn so much about her over these last many years and I am sure there is so much more to learn in the future.
We are only referred to as Barte and Tina, no one knows us without the other. I guess that is a testament to how inseperable we are in all settings.
We did not know each other for long prior to getting married, only a few weeks and it is no matter that there were those that didn't give our marriage a chance at all. We have really spent the last 28 years learning about each other and learning how to be good to each other.
As Bill and Ted say, "Be excellent to each other" and we both really try nearly every day.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Welcome to my past

For those of you out there, I am one of many that actually have a past.
I had spoken to a writer for Salt Lake City Weekly about doing a story on my candidacy for President of the United States. Imagine the return call I received only a few minutes later, as he had run a background check on me.
I knew that the issues of my much younger, drinking past would come to light. I had no intention of trying to do what all other politicians do, hide the past to look lily white. I am not proud of my poor behaviour, but I see that time in my life as a learning experience.
I do know that there are those out there that will seek to try ot make me look like some sort of an undesirable character, or a bad guy. I see this part of my past as a learning path that I walked upon and the walked away from.
If you read the story and it changes your opinion of me that is your choice. If it changes how you look at me, that is also your choice. I only ask that you look at it and see that the Barte that you know now is not the same guy that there was then. I have really "moved on" from that sort of behaviour and really am much different for it.
My son told me that this day would come and I knew there was no way that the press would let these sort of things stay in the past. I understood his concern for my aspirations and my personal life, but, I also know that it more important to be totally honest in the light of my aspirations.
Read it, understand it, and do what I have done, "move on".
If you really know me you will allow me to keep my past where it is and see how I am now.
I am a proud American, Father, Husband, and not in the least, a former active duty US Marine, but that as they say, is another story.

Thursday, July 14, 2011


I have so much to be thankful for, even the basic thing such as having a job. I was just reading an article about the long term unemployed and it makes you shudder to hear the stories of these nearly forgotten Americans (at least by the politicians) that struggle every day with the need for financial security.
I have been affected by this as well, with my sweetie having a seasonal work schedule, but we have learned to adjust things for that consequence. I couldn't imagine both of us being out of work for 6 or 12 months, or years as some have been.
I hear these stories and I see the frustration and despair coming off of them in waves. They start to doubt their own given talents and abilities when this goes on for so long.
I can't totally blame this on the economy, or the government, but I can blame it on our own recent practices of becoming a consumer nation that does not produce that much here anymore.
We need to try to figure out how to regain the manufacturing industry here in America. This would really help not only the lack of employment opportunities for everyone, but reduce our foreign dependance on other imported goods.
Not that many years ago America was a manufacturing and resource giant. We have given that up for cheaper quailty goods and the corporate vision of cheap labor.
We need to regroup and bring back manufacturing and the jobs that come with it. We can do this if we decide we have had enough of cheaply toxic painted chinese toys.
Take our economy back along with our government.......

The ongoing Budget saga

Like all of you I can't help but see every day the disappointing progress (or total lack of it) with regard to the Federal budget and the ceiling.
I get so sick and tired of all the red hats and blue hats party politics regarding this important issue. I understand some of the party politics and their party loyalites, but when the hell does common sense start to intrude upon the lack of progress.
I see their individual points but there must be a time when they stop all the stonewalling and posturing and actually get something done. The silly fighting and BS that all these career politicians are doing right now does the average common citizen absolutely no good. We are concerned about the solvency of our Nation and as a group we should all be.
I really have a hard time with giving corporations tax breaks to send their businesses off shore, and the lack of incentive to get a real effective tax system in place that treats all Americans equally and corporations as well.
It is time for the corporations and ALL Americans to do their part. I believe that a flat tax system would be a benefit for all middle and lower income citizens and would require businesses to pay a fair and equitable amount that could enable ALL Americans to start to help in getting out Nation out of the incredibly deep fiscal hole we are in.
Get off your party high horses, stop all this childish crap and DO SOMETHING!!!
All you people were elected by your respective state citizens to do a job, get on with it!!!
Save our Country and the Country of our children from certain monetary collapse and an even further worsening of the economic conditions for all Americans.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Small town America

Well, it is no secret that I was born in a small town and the appreciation I have for them never goes away.
I spent my Saturday with my sweetie and our Hotrod in a small town called Coalville.
The simplicity of small towns and the friendliness of those that live there makes me remember much simpler times in life. We really need to remember these things. Remember that we are all from the same country and be good and kind to each other.
Small town America should not be a thing of the past found only in books. The closeness and the compassion for one another should be a much more prevalent thing in todays society.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Only in America!!

Just like most of you I spent the 4th of July with family and friends. Enjoying the pleasures that can only be appreciated in a society that is truly Free to do what we choose.
I got one of the Hotrods out of the garage and went to a car show with my sweetie and enjoyed the company of many people that were there celebrating the freedoms we all sometimes take for granted.
It was distrubing though that the event was not started off with a traditional flag raising ceremony and the presentation of the colors. We didn't even have that part of the event until later in the evening prior to the start of the demolition derby and then it was fantastic.
I understand that I hold values and expectations that are sometimes a little old fashioned but those are the values that I was raised with and so are traditionally what I expect.
I do not take my freedom for granted and I hope those that read my blog snd support me in my lofty goal can understand that we all have a responsibility to protect those freedoms and rights that we hold precious.
My view is not one that all share, but it is who I am. I am an American, patriot, dad, parent and husband.
I only ask that we all remember how we get the freedom to do what we choose.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Happy Independance Day!!!

To all Americans, Happy Independance Day!!
Enjoy the long celebration and be proud to be in the "Land of the free and home of the brave".
Remember, Freedom isn't Free and we still need to vigilant to protect it and all of America for our children.
Be proud and be loud, this is OUR Countries birhtday!!!!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The numbers are in????

I just noticed that Iowa conducted a survey of voters to see whom they would support for the GOP nomination and it is still up in the air. It does look like Mitt and Michelle are duking it out for the eastern states and I do understand that I have a long way to go.
I did see a very important thing right at the end of the story. It states that most voters are still up in the air as to whom they might support for the Presidential election as the numbers are very early in the campaign. As Jeff Daniels character said in Dumb and Dumber, having a chance in a million, is "I still have a chance".
I am still gathering signatures and getting an article ready for SLUG Magazine. I should be having an article coming out soon in Salt Lake City Weekly.
Please check them out and give me any feedback you might have. I really do want to do the best I can for America and all Americans.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Only in America

I spent the weekend enjoying the freedoms that we have in this country. I went to 2 different car shows and attended the 15th Anniversary celebration at the local drag strip.
It is wonderful to see the patriotic celebration that accompanies these type of events.
There are so many countries that do not have the freedom to enjoy such an activity and it is certainly taken for granted by so many.
Freedom isn't free, is more than a slogan. We need to appreciate the freedoms we have here every day and really appreciate the sacrifices borne by those before us that have enabled us to do the things we do.
I never fail to be inspired when I hear the national anthem and see our flag raised over these events. It is our responsibility to be respectful and reverent when the colors are presented as well as to understand that America is the greatest nation on the globe.
Be happy to be an American, and always be proud.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Motivation and success

Yesterday, just as I was seriously starting to doubt my ability to succeed in this immense task, I suddenly recieved and email from
Funny how when you need something to spark you to do things and suddenly it is right under your nose.
I am very fortunate to have such a wonderful and supportive family and the other basic necessities of life, even in these very difficult times.
I needed a kick in the pants and suddenly there it was. I truly feel that this is the time for a totally different perspective in Washington. It is really time to "take it back", our country, from the political stonewalling and stagnation that strangles the American public and spirit.
It is truly about "attitude", whether you succeed or fail. I refuse to admit failure in this task.
The time is right, and the American spirit needs a real motivational chit chat.
Keep your heads up, and never quit. Failure is not an option, I think I heard that somewhere before. It makes sense.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Pledge of Allegiance and being an American

There has been alot of controversy in the press lately about the Pledge of Allegiance and having the words "under God" in the refrain.
I personally don't see any sort of an issue there, it does not specify the particulars of the God, it could mean, the catholic version, protestant version, budda, or any other number of supreme entity you may choose.
There are those that use this little refrain to complain that there is no seperation of church and State and that as a Nation we are hypocritical, as we also have the word God on our currency.
Here in this country you have many choices, unlike many other nations on the globe. If you choose not to say the words "under God" , don't. I don't see how this equates into an epidemic of hypocrisy.
Our founding fathers did their collective best in setting up and structuring this world class democracy. They believed that there was a greater being at work in helping them accomplish this task. Not to say that they all believed in the same version of God, but the humility of understanding they were not all powerful kept them firmly on track and allowed them the open mindedness to achieve a leadership structure that has stood the tests of time and numerous conflicts and wars, both here on our shores and world wide.
Freedom of speech, freedom of expression, the freedom from oppression, and the right to petition the Government for a redress of grievences.
If you are an American you should be very proud, if not, you should want to be one and please accept our collective value system and join us as a Nation.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Wisdom from the past

So this morning I received an email from my boss and included was a video featuring Archie Bunker.
Some of you may remember him from the early 70's as a working class guy that lived in the suburbs. He was very opinionated and worked hard for a living. The reason the show was so popular was his version of what he perceived as the truth of the way of the world.
He was prejudicial, judgemental and actually a very grumpy sort of fellow, but his way of expression spoke directly to the situation in the country at the time.
I just noticed that the thoughts of that time have some real similarities to now. I understand that things are very difficult, but. as Americans we still have the power to make a difference.
Do so, do not just sit idly by and let things go to hell in a handbasket.
I started my campaign on the belief that we have all had enough of the shenanigans going on in the Government right now.
Stand up and be counted, I will do my best to help you all be heard.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Fathers Day

What else can I say today, except Happy Fathers Day to all the Dads out there. I do miss my dad sometimes. We did have alot of fun from time to time.
Nice to have kids, they tell you just how much difference you can make in the life of someone else.
I love my kids, and being a grandpa isn't such a bad thing either.........

Saturday, June 18, 2011

I have a past, imagine that......

I almost forgot to tell all of you. I have a past, imagine that.
I had an interview yesterday with a writer from Salt Lake City Weekly. It didn't take him long to find out that I have a past that had some issues.
I used to drink, (there are so many of you that do not know this). My behaviour at the time (almost 22 years ago) that I used to behave badly.
I had run-in's with the court and had to pay some fines and spent some time in a courtroom.
I am not sure how he is going to approach this issue (as it shouldn't be an issue because of how long ago) but I thought it best I tell you all up front.
I would believe that my behaviour as a young man and an alcoholic will not change the way you all look at me now. I have been sober for nearly 22 years and that behaviour was something that I knew would come up eventually.
Many of you have no idea as to my past as you see me for how I am now. I do not forget for a minute how I used to be, but, as most of you know, I am quite different now as you can see.
There are those that will try to use my past against me and if there are those that can not look past the way I used to act and the way I conduct myself now, I will not hold it against you. I merely ask you to see what I do, see how I conduct myself and how I act toward my friends and family without the prejudices of my past.
It certainly is quite a different way of thinking when you see that I am not like all other politicians (I certainly am not a politician). They want to hide the past and try to portray themselves as angels who never had any sort of past issues. Look at the Clinton era, where he never inhaled.......ha, ha.....
I never said I was an angel, I never deny my past. I say that my past makes me human and I have learned much from my mistakes. Just ask my family.
Realize this truth, I am a human being that has used my life experiences to sculpt the person you see on a daily basis. I am not perfect, nor did I ever say I was.
Experience is necessary for the growth of all people. Life teaches you much everyday. It is what you do after you make those choices that define how you live the rest of your life.

It's just funny

It seems to me that it is just funny how sometimes the dregs suddenly come out of the woodwork. I understand that, while I may have an antiquated sense of values, I guess i just miss the boat when it comes to joining modern society.
I see how politicians act while in office and am appalled as to their conduct. Not all of them mind you, just a few.
We all need to remind them that they are there to take care of all of us and our collective needs, not just their own special interests or line their pockets. While I appreciate the need to make money, I feel that they have a bigger job to do and with partisan politics, they are failing miserably.
I pursue this goal for election to remind them of that and to provide a neutral voice to encourage them to do so.
The time of party politics is coming to an end hopefully. It is time for the public to stand up and demand for them to do the job we have all selected them to do on our behalf.

Friday, June 17, 2011

What was he thinking?

Heard about Mitt Romney making light of the unemployment situation in the country? How could you not? Sounds like his comments just reinforce my assertion and position that the elitist and entitled still think they are better than the rest of us in America.
He makes a joke about how "he is unemployed too".
Wow, guess that just goes to show how far out of touch the current batch of candidates really are with those of us that live that way everyday.
Keep me in your sights, I am gathering the signatures necessary to get on the ballot. We really need representation that truly understands how middle class America lives everyday. This is not a joke, no matter what the other candidates say.
Keep on trying, leadership is only a vote away.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Presidential Campaign

Just found out that I can get federal funding for my campaign if I raise at least 5k in 20 states. Guess I may have to go on the road and meet you all!!! Looking forward to it, not the road trip, but meeting you all and getting a feel for what I can do to help you.

Just read something interesting

Trying to get the ball rolling and using the social media to convey my message.
I just was looking at the site of Rush Limbaugh, and found out that we both have the same view on the stonewalling and stagnation in the current political arena.
I have put this as my number one priority if elected. I want to get the House and Senate together and give them a little positive reinforcement and coaching.
They have all been selected by their respective states and jurisdictions to do a job. This does not include using the us versus them mentality that has become the way of things.
They need to see that there is a nation of people out there that depend on them doing their jobs and doing it in a effective and efficient manner.
Get it together ladies and gentlemen, stop the party fighting and stonewalling. Work for the people that elected you and not for your own selfish interests.